Hooray! I am so excited to be presenting at the Fall CUE conference this weekend.
This year, the conference is in Sacramento, a new location, and I am excited to visit, since I’ve only been there very briefly before. I am looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues, meeting new people, having great hallway conversations, and attending sessions where I hope to come away inspired and full of new knowledge and ideas.
If you are attending Fall CUE, please join me at any of my sessions. You will find all the resources Presentations page of my website. I’m still tweaking, so they aren’t there yet, but they will be before the end of the conference. I’ve listed my sessions below, but if you see me in the hallway, feel free to stop me and say hello. (See the paragraph above to see how I feel about hallway conversations.) All my sessions are on Sunday, so I hope I’ll get a chance to meet and talk to lots of you on Saturday!
Sunday, October 20
8:00-8:45am Fall CUE Sticker Swap Outdoor covered seating area, between the cafeteria and the gym
9:00-10:00am Don’t Worry, Be Happy! and Copyright-Friendly H113
11:30am-12:30pm Create your own (virtual) reality H117
I hope to see you at #FallCUE, but if not, enjoy the resources and please reach out if you have any questions.