I am proud and honored to be presenting at the National CUE Conference in Palm Springs this week.
Spring CUE is one of my favorite conferences. Not only do I get to be inspired by new learning and tools, but I also enjoy seeing friends and colleagues, making new connections, and spending time in an environment very focused on students.
If you will be heading over to CUE, please join me at any of my sessions. All of the resources will be linked on the Presentations page of my website before the end of the conference. Here’s where I’ll be and when. I hope to see and chat with you!
Friday, March 15
7:30am – 8:15am Meet the Authors @ Coffee CUE Ballroom Terrace, Renaissance Hotel
10:00am – 11:00am Don’t Steal That! Copyright Friendly Resources for your Classroom Smoketree C, Convention Center
12:00pm-1:00pm Membership Booth Pop-Up Lobby, Convention Center
Saturday, March 16
9:45am – 11:15am Come Live in a Pineapple! Open Your Classroom Doors! (Poster 3) Ballroom Foyer, Renaissance Hotel
2:00pm – 3:00pm Google for Education Certified Innovators Panel – Time to Slam! Primrose B, Convention Center
Whether or not you are able to be at #CUE19 and attend my sessions, please feel free to reach out here or on Twitter if you have questions about any of the resources.