Today I was challenged by @jaygreenlinger to share my list of 5 Things We Have to Stop Pretending in education to #makeschooldifferent. Challenge accepted.
Right off the bat, I had several ideas but, like Jay, I had to struggle to whittle them down to five six sentences. I’m sure I’ll change my mind as soon as I hit Publish, but here they are.
- Today’s students are digital natives and already have all the skills related to safe, appropriate, and ethical technology use. (Corollary: Most teachers are familiar with these skills and can teach them to students.)
- Good teachers have no need for an online PLN (personal learning network).
- When it comes to staff development, one size fits all.
- Having students connect to the world outside the classroom is nice, but is not a necessity.
- Giving out grades is the best way to assess student learning.
You can read Jay’s post here. I am passing on the challenge to five educators whose ideas I really respect. I hope that Karl Lindgren-Streicher, David Theriault, Alice Chen, Moss Pike, and Jen Roberts will share their lists of 5 Things We Have to Stop Pretending in Education.
#2: Technology augments and amplifies good teaching [and casts bright lights on the rest… 😉 ]
Great list, Nancy. Thanks for participating!
I enjoyed it! It was challenging to come up with five bullet points. I sense more blog posts in the future.